Upcoming Webinars
The Center for Care Innovations (CCI) works to strengthen the health and well-being of underserved communities. They have two upcoming Webinars that you may find helpful:
Today, June 24 at 12pm PT, CCI Webinar: Designing through People Power —While “design thinking” is a dynamic improvement and innovation tool, it can also facilitate dehumanization and anti-blackness. But when we combine the approach with community organizing — a powerful strategy for building people power and righting injustices — this collaboration has the ability to transform the well-being of our most vulnerable populations.
June 30 at 12pm PT, CCI Webinar: Building a More Creative and Collaborative Culture — Are you having trouble collaborating with your teammates in a virtual environment? Are you burning out on the same old Zoom calls that aren't sparking new ideas? If so, join our workshop where we'll demonstrate how to leverage three tools to bust the boredom, engage your colleagues, and make working remotely more creative!
CCI has also created a forum for people to add resources to support you and your community. Find the Resource Wiki at https://wiki.careinnovations.org/Main_Page.